Ombudsman Program

The Ombudsman helps to resolve concerns, complaints, and advocates for you.


The Ombudsman visits each nursing home, residential care facility, and assisted living facilities in the Agency's nine county area routinely.

The Regional Ombudsman – Representing Baxter, Boone, Carroll, Madison, Marion, Newton, Searcy & Washington Counties for the Area Agency on Agency can be reached at the Boone County Office (877)286-3621 or (870)743-1623.

The Ombudsman Representing Benton County for the Area Agency on Aging can be reached at the Benton County Office (888)-286-3610 or (479)273-9424.

For information on specific programs, go to the Arkansas Ombudsman Program website.

Governor Hutchinson has declared October 13 as National Ombudsman Day.

2022 Ombuds Day in AR (Oct 13) (002).pdf